3 SEO Mistakes That Will Kill Your Traffic

Google is the world's premiere search engine and currently is accounts for about 70% of the total online searches. Different people need a website for different reasons but if your intent is to find customers, clients, or gain any form of attention then you should start focusing on getting your site to rank high in Google. The Internet is growing at warp speeds and organizing it is a big deal. This task has been accomplished by search engines; the largest of which are Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Getting your site in front of viewers all comes down to how well it is optimized. SEO or search engine optimization will increase the chances of your site appearing when someone searches for a word relating to your site. Sadly, there is a lot of misinformation floating around about SEO and people apply these harmful methods to their sites. There are some common mistakes that many people make so we decided discuss three of them here.

SEO takes time because you have to build a good reputation with the search engine. Patience is a must for SEO. You will be rewarded with long term traffic. Everybody wants to be on the first page for a commercial keyword that is in demand. Don't be tricked into using the latest spam tactics; instead, focus on getting quality backlinks, targeted keyword research, unique and interesting content on your site, and other fundamentals that won't fade away with time.

Consider how long your site takes to load within a browser, as this can matter to your visitors as well as to the search engines. If your site contains a lot of code it can slow down your how your site loads, which could reduce your rankings with Google. If possible, replace some of your internal code with an external CSS file. External CSS files can be excellent for improving your site's loading speed and can also be a more efficient way to update your site later. Just keep in mind that search engines are looking out to give the best results to their users, and to convince them, you have to become the best. In essence, this can mean your site needs to match what your visitors are looking for and also needs to fit within what the search engines are looking for.

Getting incoming links too quickly is also a mistake, as it will send out a red flag to the search engine and they'll penalize you for link spamming. Many people will lie to you and say that by getting thousands of backlinks at once to your new site you will get to the first page and stay there. Honestly, you'll be better off donating your money to a charity or something. Are you willing to get your brand new site sandboxed and de-indexed because you didn't have the patience to build your links naturally over time? Link building is necessary in the competitive online environment of today but you will actually outrank your competition by getting links a few links a day, consistently.

Overall, search engine optimization involves you to achieve a strong balance between the on-page SEO and the off-page SEO. As you gain experience you will automatically start to notice what works best for your site; but continue to add content and getting relevant backlinks. The more backlinks the better.


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